- Ensure that you accomplish required education and training (i.e. annual bloodborne pathogens training).
- Conduct a survey to identify where you are using sharps in your office. Identify potential sharps safety devices (engineering controls) and have your staff evaluate them and implement as applicable.
- Get everyone involved. Share the responsibility to check eyewash stations, fire extinguishers, maintain material safety data sheets, labelling secondary chemical containers, etc.
Let safetyDRs (formally Dynamic Dental Safety) help you with all your office safety compliance and training. We provide a comprehensive and cost-effective solution of becoming your partner in maintaining safety and risk management in your facility. The program includes all required manuals, on-site safety surveys and assistance with ensuring your facility is in complete regulatory compliance and on-site training for your staff including continuing education credit and 24/7 telephone support. Contact safetyDRs at: (888) 669-8846 x703 or visit us at safetyDRs.com.