New Respirator Fit-Testing Protocol
OSHA recently published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for a new respirator fit-testing protocol—the Abbreviated Bitrex® Qualitative Fit-Testing (ABQLFT) protocol. The proposed rule would add the ABQLFT protocol as an alternative to the current OSHA-approved qualitative fit-test procedures. The ABQLFT protocol for the seven exercises listed in the existing OSHA-approved Bitrex fit-test procedure in the Respiratory Protection standard would shorten the duration of each of the seven fit-test exercises from one minute to 15 seconds. Comments are being accepted until Feb. 25, 2008.Do you have N95 respirators for your staff? N95 respirators should be used for contact with known or suspected patients with certain airborne infectious disesases (e.g. Tuberculosis, SARS, Pandemic Influenza). SafetyDRs can come to your office and fit-test applicable staff. It only takes about 10 minutes per employee and the required written OSHA Respiratory Protection Plan is included. Access to low cost N95 respirators are also available. Please contact safetyDRs at: (888) 669 - 8846, 701