Poisonings in a dental office should never happen. However, during our mock safety inspections, we often find improper storage and labeling of chemicals and other hazardous materials. There are a number of materials in dental offices (e.g. cleaners, disinfectants, mercury Amalgams, lab supplies, sharps and other medical waste) that could pose a significant hazard, especially if children are exposed. Here are a few safety tips to observe: Be sure to keep chemicals out of reach. For example, do not store cleaners and disinfectants in public restrooms unless they are in a locked or child-safe cabinet. Ensure that all chemicals and other hazardous materials are labeled and stored properly and that you have a readily available Material Safety Data Sheet for each one. Do not leave children unattended in any area of the office. Put the poison control number, 1-800-222-1222, on every telephone. The line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please contact Dynamic Dental Safety if you would like complimentary Emergency Phone Labels for your phones: blog@dynamicdentalsafety.com or toll free (888) 669-8846 ext. 701.