Monday, June 21, 2010

Dental office cell phone safety

Cell phones in the office are the expected and not the unusual... that said, it should be the policy of ALL dental offices to have them shut off while in the patient treatment areas.

There are many reasons for this not the least of which is that they can certainly present a significant distraction and may in fact interfere with the delivery of optimum dental care.
Additionally, most of these devices are able to take photos and some will also take videos. This has the potential to have some impact of a negative nature if some of the photos are misrepresentations. Please use caution with allowing electronic device usage by patients or visitors in the office.
Please call us at Dynamic Dental Safety ... (888) 669-8846 with any questions as well as complimentary phone consultation... visit us at our site for additional information regarding on-site services and continuing education with ADA/CERP credits.